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About Us

Hippioh is more than just a dope Hippo and loud THCa flower! We are a family owned and operating business that strives to make you feel like a fellow Hippioh (That’s a good thing)! Simply put, we make and sell products that not only we use but also help to improve life in one way or another. The way we look at it, you aren’t always going to find something that changes life as we know it but if you can make a series of small changes that all improve your life for the better, then you’re well on your way to mastering that funny thing we call life! Below are some pillars that we use to run Hippioh and hopefully, you can jive with them too!

Pillar 1: Treat People the Way you Wanna be Treated

You should like us if you buy from us! At Hippioh, our goal is to make the process of getting our products in your hands as easy, fun and simple as possible. That’s why on a scale of 0-5 stars, we shoot for a customer service rating of 12 stars. That means if there’s ever anything you need, even if it’s a morning pep talk!, don’t hesitate to contact us so we can help you the best we can. Our team of Hippiohs are hard working, hippo-loving, dedicated and caring so hit us up!

Pillar 2: Learn Stuff you Actually Wanna Learn

Nothing is worse than a boring article about something that sounds interesting but just isn’t so that’s why we only write articles that we find interesting and informative in hopes that you will too! If you ever want to suggest a topic to us or write us an article, do it!

Pillar 3: If You Can’t Take It, Don’t Dish It!

We are nothing without our mistakes so we embrace learning from them and building off of them so we don’t do that stuff again! That’s why we would love to hear how we are doing and if there’s anything you think we can do to be better, please let us know! Oh, if you have any awesome product ideas, we love those too!

Pillar 4: Be Real and Have Real Ingredients

You gotta know where your stuff comes from and that’s why we spend a ton of time making sure that everything on our site is made the way mamma taught us. That means we trace every ingredient in all our products and get to know our hemp farmers and their farms so we can make sure they are treated with the utmost ethics and respect so their farms are treated with the utmost ethics and respect. Enjoy no GMOs, gluten artificial sweeteners, fillers, maltodextrin, excipients, colors, flavors, dextrose or anything other than the purest of ingredients!

Pillar 5: Test it all!

Your safety is beyond important to us. That’s why every product we offer is tested through a third-party laboratory to make sure what we think it is, is actually what it is. If you want to see for yourself, visit our compliance page and there you can find every batch of products we have.

FDA Disclosure

The statements regarding these products have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, consult your health physician before use. The Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act requires placement of this notice.

All products are Federal Farm Bill Compliant and contain less than 0.3% THC.